
INDIA – Splendour and Colour

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It is a great enigma, a land that defies description. A panorama of myriad landscapes painted with contrasts and confluences. A great Ancient Civilization that invests itself with a past that is not only resplendent with a wide range of forts and palaces but a present that is forever jostling with challenges. Vibrant with raw energy, India gradually unfolds itself to spellbound visitors with varied interests: from the tranquility of Sun and sand near flowing waters to the thrill of Adventure both on Desert land and the wide Mountain ranges. It is a land that caters to every palate. A land that is resplendent with such a wide range of hues and colours that simply mesmerises.

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    Product Details

    • Dimensions
      32.2 x 25.4 x 2.6 cm
    • Weight
      1850 g
    • ISBN
    • Publisher
      Om Books International
    • Binding
    • Language

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