
The Originals Volpone

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?Poor wretches! I rather pity their folly and indiscretion, than their loss of time and money; for these may be recovered by industry: but to be a fool born is a disease incurable.?
Written by English dramatist, Ben Jonson, Volpone, the 17th-century Renaissance drama is a sharp comment on society, that underscores elements of dark humour, greed and lust.
Partially classified as a beast-fable, its central character Volpone, a wealthy old man, is bedridden. Drawn to him are three legacy hunters – Voltore, a lawyer, Corbaccio, an old gentleman and Corvino, a merchant – who lavish gifts on him in the hope of inheriting the estate from a grateful Volpone upon his death.
Believed to be amongst the finest Jacobean comedies and Ben Jonson?s most performed play, Volpone derives its strength from its unforgettable lesson on human greed and avarice.

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    Product Details

    • Dimensions
      19.8 x 12.9 x 0.8 cm
    • Weight
      100 g
    • ISBN
    • Publisher
      Om Books International
    • Binding
    • Language

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