
Premchand Nirmala

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One of the most celebrated Indian writers of the early 20th century, and regarded as ?up any as SA Mr at?, Munshi Premchand was born on July 31, 1880. He began his writing career when the Indian Independence movement was at its peak. Through his early writings, he expressed his support for the cause of freedom. In 1910, his collection, soz-e-watan, was labelled rebellious on account of its message, which provoked Indians to overthrow the British Empire and gain independence. Some of Premchand?s seminal works include sevasadan, rangbhoomi, Nirmala, kaayakalp, Gaban and God a an, among others. His last published story was ?cricket match?, which appeared in Zamana in 1938, posthumously. Munshi Premchand.0

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    Product Details

    • Dimensions
      19.8 x 12.9 x 2 cm
    • Weight
      200 g
    • ISBN
    • Publisher
      Om Books International
    • Binding
    • Language

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