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Growing up in a small town in a conservative Sindhi family, Kiran learnt very early in life to put others’ needs before her own, not to nurse any grand ambition and prepare herself to be a devoted homemaker. After all, as she was repeatedly told, ‘What is a woman without her husband?’
She stayed the course and remained committed to her home and hearth, at the cost of her dignity and sanity, until one day a near-fatal health scare forced her to commit to herself. A radical act. Her husband, in-laws and even her parents strongly protested against her unconventional life choices, but Kiran had a destiny to fulfil. Determined, she went on to become a champion bodybuilder, a celebrity fitness trainer and a popular DJ. But she paid a heavy price to earn a place in the sun. Was it worth it? Yes, because she would not have it any other way.
Fitness Machine: The Extraordinary Life of Kiran Dembla is about a woman who dared to dream, a woman who never gave up and a woman who believed nothing was impossible. In this authorised biography, noted film-maker Deepak Singh documents the splendour of the transformation of an ordinary woman into an extraordinary being.
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