
The Unicorn and the Little Goldfish : Unicorn Stories

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Bubbles, the little Goldfish, meets Unicorn Reema one moonlit night and befriends her. He seeks Reema?۪s help to sort out his over crowded pond and protection against his friend Stormy, the shark, who has suddenly become
hostile. Reema takes Bubbles and several other water creatures on a flight of adventure so that they can see the world beyond the pond.
Read this beautifully illustrated Unicorn tale to know how brilliant Reema makes more space for Bubbles in the pond and scares Stormy away. A must-read for every child.

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    Product Details

    • Dimensions
      27.5 x 25 x 0.3 cm
    • Weight
      150 g
    • ISBN
    • Publisher
      Om Books International
    • Binding
    • Language

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